
Announcement The 2024 Yufong International Health Literacy Awards

The 2024 Yufong International Health Literacy Awards

The committee of the Yufong International Health Literacy Awards would like to announce the winners of the 2024 Yufong International Health Literacy Awards, who have contributed significantly to the development of health literacy locally and internationally. Prof. Diane Levin-Zamir and Dr. Kristine Sørensen have ceaselessly promoted health literacy research, policy and education around the world, and Dr. Tuyen Van Duong has supported many young fellows in their development of health literacy research and practice in Taiwan, Vietnam, and elsewhere.  
The Yufong International Health Literacy awards have been established since 2017, in memory of Madam Yufong Hsu, the late mother of Prof. Peter Chang, one of the key founders of the AHLA since 2013, to encourage researches and education for health literacy program around the world. The awards are usually announced and endowed in the opening of the annual AHLA International Health Literacy Conference. The 2024 Yufong International Health Literacy Awards will be provided to these three distinguished scholars in the opening of the 10th AHLA Conference to be held in May 13, 2024, in the Pham Ngoc Thach University of Medicine in Ho Chi Minh City, Vietnam. Professor Peter Chang, Dr. Nguyen The Dung, one of the recipients of the Yufong award in 2022, and Madam Bella Sun will present the awards to the recipients.

Prof. Diane Levin-Zamir, PhD, MPH, MCHES
Prof. Diane Levin-Zamir is the National Director of the Health Promotion Department of Clalit, Israel's largest healthcare organization, Full Professor of Public Health at the University of Haifa, and teaches at Tel Aviv University Medical School's School of Public Health. Her contribution to health literacy is global, international, regional and local. One the global level she founded the International Union Health Promotion and Education Health Literacy Global Working Group along with colleagues in 2010, a group that is flourishing to date. She fully and actively supported the establishment of the International Health Literacy Association, serving on its first Board of Directors, and is active in leading the program development for the organization’s global summits. Diane has served as scientific advisor to AHLA since the organization was launched, participating in conferences and striving to advance knowledge and cooperation/partnership for health literacy in the region.
She is the Research Co-Chair for the WHO Action Network on Measuring Population and Organizational Health Literacy (MPOHL) where health literacy is studied on the population level, in primary care and hospital settings and in evidence for policy action. She is the Chair of the Technical Advisory Group for the Behavioral and Cultural Insights (BCI) Unit in WHO-Euro, where she supports the focal point in health literacy. She serves on the Health Promoting Hospital Network Working Group on Health Literacy and is Associate Editor of the Global Health Promotion journal. Locally, Diane is the principal investigator for the Israel Health Literacy Survey (HLS) for both the 2012 and 2019-2021 (M-POHL) cycles and beyond. She chairs the Israel Health Ministry's National Health Promotion Council where health literacy is on the national public health and healthcare agenda. 
Diane has published extensively on health literacy, as specifically on health literacy is the author of more than 60 published articles, chapters, and co-edited books focusing on action, research and policy and including among other areas, focus on health literacy in special populations, cultural appropriateness, communities, hospitals, primary care and media/digital settings. She has been invited to give over 100 presentations on health literacy in international conferences and symposia, and incorporates health literacy in teaching, training and building capacity in a wide range of institutions of higher learning.

Dr. Kristine Sørensen, PhD 
Dr. Kristine Sørensen is a passionate highly-cited, award-winning, global thought leader in the field of health literacy. As an executive advisor she empowers leaders to improve health literacy by design. She works with governments, industry, academia and civic society to develop health literacy for all. Kristine Sørensen is the Founder of the Global Health Literacy Academy, chair of Health Literacy Europe and the first president of International Health Literacy Association. Amongst others, she is an advisory member of the Asian Health Literacy Association, the EU Health Union Initiative, the Africa-Europe Foundation, the European Health Futures Forum and A Million Conversations.
"Kristine Sørensen is the Florence Nightingale of Health Literacy" - Peter Chang, Founder of the Asian Health Literacy Association

Dr. Tuyen Van Duong, PhD 
Dr. Duong is currently an Assistant Professor of School of Nutrition and Health Sciences, Taipei Medical University, Taiwan (from 2019). He has been serving as a Vice-president of Asian Health Literacy Association, Geneva, Switzerland (2019-2024); Elected Chair of Scientific Standards Committee, and EB member of International Health Literacy Association, Boston, USA (2022-2025). He has been invited as a yearly Guest Lecturer of Tufts University School of Medicine since 2018 for Global Health Literacy Leadership Institute’s Courses. He is an active member of several international organizations, e.g. Nutrition Society of Taiwan, American Society for Nutrition, and some others. 
Dr. Duong has developed a strong academic background, and wide international networks. He has been closely working with other scholars on several research projects in Asian countries, and also collaborated with the research consortium in Europe and with growing number of institutions in Australia, United States and Africa. 
By March 2024, Dr. Duong has published about 70 original research articles on 30 ISI journals. He has been serving as an Editor of Annals of Medicine, Scientific Reports, Health Promotion International, Frontiers in Nutrition and Frontiers in Psychology, Nutrients, a reviewer of 40 international journals. He has received 15 honorable academic awards from national and international organizations from Australia, Indonesia, Malaysia, Switzerland, Taiwan, United States, Thailand, and Vietnam. Dr. Duong is the chair of scientific committee for several AHLA conferences (7AHLA, 8AHLA, 9AHLA, and 10AHLA).

The AHLA welcomes all the International scholars and participants to join us in the coming conference for the special award ceremony.

Posted by Sri Handayani