
The surprise and successes of the 9th AHLA

The surprise and successes of the 9th AHLA

Dear AHLA members, advisors and friends
Congratulations to the AHLA for accomplished a very successful 9thAHLA Conference in May, 2023. Only a few months after the 8th AHLA in Changhua, Taiwan, the Thailand team guided by Dr. Wongsa productively prepared the Conference in Phuket and I evidenced strong commitment from Thailand institutions and Khon Kane University. There are also new participants from German, Poland, Brazil, Sri Lanka, and Kazakhstan.

The AHLA has also enjoyed several good news and developments since 2022. The first vice president Dr. Duong van Tuyen has his wedding in Feb., 2023, and we expect welcoming the new member of his family in this coming fall. The Secretary General Dr. Nguyen TP Thao welcomes her first baby in May 14 in Hue. We are so excited by her new family member. Dr. Reisha Isaura, who joined the AHLA since 2013, also announces her wedding in May 20th, 2023 in Indonesia. Both Reisha and Tuyen joined the AHLA in its earliest period and AHLA enjoyed their continuous and significant contributions.
The AHLA in her 2023 Board meeting also agrees to the proposal by the Universities, led by Pham Ngoc Thach University in Ho Chi Minh City, to organize the 10th AHLA in May 2024. We expect there will be a lot of new researches and progresses when we will meet in May in Vietnam.
I like to share these good news to all the AHLA members and friends and wish all great year after the Covid-19, and look forward to meeting you all in 2024.
Most sincerely,
Prof. Peter Chang
Honorary President
May 18, 2023.