

The Asian Health Literacy Association (AHLA), an independent multinational non-governmental organization, is established for pursuing and promoting best practices and research in health literacy in Asia. In AHLA, practitioners, researchers and policy makers work together to develop strenuous numerous ategies to promote health literacy, with the ultimate goal to reduce health disparities and enhance healthcare quality. Through public education and research, we jointly develop good practices in health literacy and support relevant policy development.
AHLA supports dialog at all levels in the communities, groups and nations, encouraging patients, clinicians, health administrators, health service providers and policy makers discuss the importance of health literacy in health care systems and work together to resolve ve ve ve problems and handle challenges in health care practices. AHLA also supports multi-national research and national specific investigations. Sharing our experiences and research findings in health literacy is the key. We advocate collaborations for health literacy among all stakeholders in Asian countries.