
[A Commemoration] In memorial of Prof. Jurgen Pelikan and his contributions to the development of AHLA since its beginning

In memorial of Prof. Jurgen Pelikan and his contributions to the development of AHLA since its beginning. 

Nov. 2013, The First International Conference on Health Literacy and Better Healthcare, Taipei, Taiwan

Oct., 2014, the Second International Conference on Health Literacy and Health Promotion, New Taipei, Taiwan

Nov., 2015, the Third International Conference on Health Literacy and Healthcare Efficiency, Tainan, Taiwan

Nov 2016, The Fourth International Conference on Health Literacy and Quality of Healthcare Services, Haiphong, Vietnam

Nov. 2017, the Fifth International Conference on Health Literacy and Population Health, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia

Oct. 2018, The S Asian Health Literacy Conference, Taichung, Taiwan

Nov 2019, The Seventh International Conference on Health Literacy and Smart Universal Healthcare, Ho Chi Minh City, Vietnam

Prof. Jurgen Pelikan participated in the inauguration of the WHO Solid Fact translation release in the Third AHLA Conference in 2015.

https://,J%C3%BCrgen%20M.,(Austrian%20Public%20Health%20Institute) . juergen-pelikan

Posted by Thao TP Nguyen